Below are some of the most frequently asked questions concerning Tour Team and our services.
Q: What is the catch, how does Tour Team profit from my group booking if the services are free to their customers?
A: Our hotel partners pay us a fee or commission for groups we book into their hotels.
Q: Can Tour Team help us understand the hotels contract?
A: Yes, we are very familiar with the languages hotel sales people use in their contracts and we are happy to help you understand what is being said and required by the hotel.
Q: If I need to cancel a group, should I let Tour Team know or call the hotel sales contact?
A: Either is fine, but best if you can tell both of us.
Q: If I need to change dates for a group I have already booked, should I just call the hotel directly or call Tour Team?
A: Please call Tour Team. We will do a new search for your new dates. This way you can see if there might be a better hotel with lower rates for your new dates as well as checking space and rates with the hotel already booked.